21 Apr CUT
What is it?
People can often think that the cut of a diamond refers to its shape as people refer to emerald cut and pear cut diamonds. In the 4 c’s however, cut grade is a measure of how well the shape and cut of a diamond returns light. It is rated on a scale of poor to excellent and it is by far the most technically challenging descriptor so I will only touch on the main points here.

Light moving through a Diamond
The return of light is usually described in three ways:
Brightness:- How much light returns out of the crown ( top ) of the diamond and how strongly contrasted the dark and light areas are.
Fire:- how effectively the diamond prisms light ( breaking it up into rainbow of colours)
Scintillation:-The pattern of light and dark areas and the white and coloured flashes that you see when a diamond is moved…essentially how sparkly it is!

Image of sparkling diamond
It is definitely worth spending money on a higher cut grade as it essential to the visible attractiveness of a diamond. For instance a smaller diamond with a higher cut grade is preferable to a slightly bigger diamond with a low cut grade, as a low cut grade means a dull diamond,……. and whats the point in buying a dull diamond?